University-Wide Faculty Policies
The following is a sample of the most prominent University-wide policies that pertain to faculty. For a complete list of University policies see the Policy Directory maintained by the Policy Office of the University of Virginia. A list of provost office related policies, including other faculty policies, can also be found on the Policy Directory website.
Appointment of Faculty to Endowed Professorship
Appointment of Visiting Faculty and Visiting Scholars
Teaching Courses for Academic Credit
Appointment Types and Titles, Faculty
Consulting and Internal Overload
Disciplinary Suspension or Termination of Academic Faculty, Policy on
Employment of Academic General Faculty Members (Tenure-Ineligible)
Employment of Tenure-line Faculty
Grievance Policy for Academic Faculty (Tenured, Tenure-Track, and Academic Non-Tenure-Track Faculty)
Promotion and Tenure Policy (see Employment of Tenure-line Faculty)