Advancing faculty success in every stage of their career.

Faculty Affairs assists the schools in faculty recruitment and retention, promotion and tenure, professional and leadership development, and faculty diversity. The Vice Provost maintains all faculty policies, handles faculty actions, and analyzes faculty satisfaction data to develop and revise policies and programs as needed.

What's Happening Now...

Faculty Guides Webinar:Taking a Break

Understanding the Different Types of Faculty Leaves


Tuesday February 25, 2025

12:00-1:00 p.m.



Highlights from COACHE 2024

The COACHE Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey provides actionable data about the conditions–the environment, policies, and practices–that support faculty doing their best work.

Faculty Salary Study

The University of Virginia is committed to responsible and competitive compensation practices that support the recruitment, retention, and advancement of an outstanding workforce.

Quick Guides

Resources related to Faculty Affairs.

Maïté Brandt-Pearce

Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs

Maïté Brandt-Pearce is the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and a Professor of Electrical Engineering. She is responsible for coordinating the entire faculty life-cycle and helping the twelve schools with their faculty concerns.

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